In this course students learn the basics of the FC protocol, get to know the Brocade platforms (8/16/32 Gbps) and new technologies of the 6th generation (32 Gbps) and learn how to implement and manage a typical enterprise SAN. Topics of this class cover Name Server, RSCN Delivery, FCIDs, WWNs, Domain IDs, Shared Area concepts, Fabric Principal, Merging conflicts and more.
Single-CP (300, 5100, 65xx) and Dual-CP (DCX Backbones) Switches are covered for their high-availability and other special features. The course also covers the software features of FabricOS 7.x and 8.x as well as topics like zoning and administration, Non-Disruptive Firmware Upgrades and Config management. Other topics of this class include Load Balancing methods, FSPF, Trunking, DLS, DPS and Routing Policies. This course includes extensive hands-on lab excercises to deepen the theoretical knowledge learned in class.