Cisco Digital Learning Library
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Cisco U | Digital Learning
Authorized Training on Cisco Certifications with Self-Paced e-Learning
Cisco Learning provides two training subscriptions options:
Cisco U: It is a personalized technical training program that is designed to help you deploy solutions successfully, maximize your Cisco investments, and prepare for Cisco certification exams. Cisco U. is customized to achieve your learning needs as this provides learning paths that includes wide range of topics, including CCNA, Cloud and Network Automation Essentials.
Additionally; to complement your multi-vendor solutions; Cisco U. also includes content that includes areas such as AWS, Skillsoft and Microsoft training.
Single Course Titles: Allows you to focus on specific areas required for your professional role – either technology or product. Access is for 180 days.
- IT domain fundamentals training
- Multi-vendor technology training
- Professional and soft skills training
- Associate-level certification Learning Paths
- Self-paced hands-on labs
- Podcasts, webinars, videos, and tutorials
- Technical skills assessments
- Technical and certification digital communities
- Network automation Learning Path
All Access
- All multi-vendor technology training
- Professional-level certification Learning Paths
- In-depth Cisco product Learning Paths
- In-depth Cisco solution Learning Paths
- All self-paced hands-on labs
- MCAST 2.0
- IBNTRN 1.2
- ECMS 1.0
- DNAAS 2.1
- MPLS 3.0
- BGP 4.0
- CBROPS 1.0
- SDAFND 1.0
- SPFNDU 1.0
- SDWFND 2.0
- WLFNDU 2.0
- DEVASC 1.0
- PRNE 2.0
- SOCAL 1.0
- CLDHCF 1.0
- CCNA 2.0
- Google Coud
- Cloud Computing for Decision Makers and Leader
- Microsoft Azure Fundamental: Describe Cloud Concepts
- Microsoft Azure Fundamentals: Describe core Azure concepts
- Microsoft Azure Fundamentals: Describe Azure architecture and services
- Microsoft Azure Fundamentals: Describe Azure management and governance
- Performance Engineering Journey
- Agile for Software Development
- AWS Fundamentals
- Docker Foundations
- Security Essentials for Decision-makers and Leaders
- Kubernetes Foundations
- Data for Decision-makers and Leaders
- Software Product Management Proficiency
- DCAUI 1.1
- MCAST 2.0
- SESA 3.1
- IBNTRN 1.2
- DCID 7.0
- DCIT 7.0
- SEGRTE201 2.0
- SPMBL100
- SWSA 3.0
- ECMS 1.0
- Conducting Forensic Analysis and Incident Response Using Cisco Technologies ...
- DNAAS 2.1
- MPLS 3.0
- SAUI 1.0
- BGP 4.0
- CBRCOR 1.0
- ENTEIT 1.0
- Cisco Meraki
- CBROPS 1.0
- DEVOPS 1.0
- SVPN 1.0
- SPRI 1.0
- SDAFND 1.0
- SPAUI 1.0
- SPVI 1.0
- SPFNDU 1.0
- ENWLSI 1.1
- ENWLSD 1.1
- CSAU 1.0
- ENSLD 1.1
- ENAUI 1.2
- ENSDWI 2.0
- SDWSCS 1.1
- SDWFND 2.0
- DEVCOR 1.0
- WLFNDU 2.0
- ENC9K 4.0
- SISE 4.0
- ENARSI 1.0
- PRNE 2.0
- SCOR 1.0
- SOCAL 1.0
- CLDHCF 1.0
- DEVNAE 1.0
- CCNA 2.0
- SkillSoft: Python Novice to Pythonista
- SkillSoft: Google Cloud
- SkillSoft: Cloud Computing for Decision Makers and Leaders
- Microsoft Azure Fundamentals: Describe cloud concepts
- Microsoft Azure Fundamentals: Describe core Azure concepts
- Microsoft Azure Fundamentals: Describe Azure architecture and services
- SkillSoft: Performance Engineering Journey
- Microsoft Azure Fundamentals: Describe Azure management and governance
- Learn the management and governance resources available to your organiz
- SkillSoft: Agile for Software Development
- AWS Fundamentals
- SkillSoft: Docker Foundations
- SkillSoft: Security Essentials for Decision-makers and Leaders
- SkillSoft: Kubernetes Foundations
- SkillSoft: Data for Decision-makers and Leaders
- SkillSoft: Software Product Management Proficiency
- Microsoft: Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) cluster architecture and operations
- Microsoft: Introduction to Kubernetes on Azure
- Microsoft: Manage resources in Azure
- Microsoft: Manage source control
- SkillSoft: Building Advanced Kubernetes Skills
- Microsoft: Manage identities and governance for Azure administrators
- SkillSoft: DevOps Engineer to Cloud Architect
- Microsoft: Deploy applications with Azure DevOps
- Microsoft: Define and implement continuous integration
- Microsoft: Improve your reliability with modern operations practices
- Microsoft: Manage security operations in Azure
- Microsoft: Understand data science for machine learning
- Microsoft: Get started with blockchain development
- Microsoft: Architect modern applications in Azure
- Microsoft: Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) application and cluster scalability
- Microsoft: Secure your cloud data
- Microsoft: Manage identity and access in Azure Active Directory
- Microsoft: Secure your cloud applications in Azure
- Microsoft: Get started with Azure DevOps
- SkillSoft: Building Advanced Docker Skills
- Microsoft: Develop and deploy applications on Kubernetes
- Microsoft: Describe the basic concepts of cybersecurity
- Microsoft: Understand data concepts
- Microsoft: Implement network security in Azure
- Microsoft: Architect network infrastructure in Azure
- SkillSoft: 5G Technologies and Practices
- SkillSoft: Enterprise Developer to DevOps Engineer
- SkillSoft: Go Programming Essentials
- Microsoft: Migrate application workloads and data to Azure
- SkillSoft: Load Balancing Multi and Hybrid Cloud Solutions
- Microsoft: Implement Windows Server hybrid cloud management, monitoring, and security
- Microsoft: Introduction to version control with Git
- Microsoft: Prerequisites for Azure administrators
- Microsoft: Administer containers in Azure
- Microsoft: Develop a security and compliance plan
- Microsoft: Automate administrative tasks by using PowerShell
- Microsoft: Automate your workflow with GitHub Actions
- Microsoft: Collaborate with others with Markdown and GitHub Pages