We’ll begin this course by understanding the importance of automating tests. Then, we will learn how to choose good selectors for navigating through your web application while highlighting best practices and techniques.
After writing your first tests, you will go through the object model to help create your own advanced test cases. You will learn how to analyze a test report, track timing errors, and separate real issues from “flaky” tests. You will also learn how to configure and connect to a local grid, a network grid, and a third-party service. By the end of the course, you will have the skills you need to run automated tests on your own web application.
Lesson 1: Getting Started
- What is Automation?
- Selenium Overview
- Environment Configuration
Lesson 2: WebDriver Functionality
- Overview of Frequently Used Methods
- Instantiating WebDriver
- Controlling the Browser Window
Lesson 3: WebElement Functionality
- Using Browser Developer Tools
- Overview of WebElement Functionality
- Interacting with Elements on a Page
- Element Locator Types
Lesson 4: Advanced Element Location
- Going through the DOM
- Searching within Previously Found Elements
- Creating Complex Locators when an Element is Not Easily Reachable
Lesson 5: Waiting for Elements
- Implicit Waits
- Explicit waits
- Implicit Versus Explicit Waits
- Waiting for an Element with a Custom Written Condition
Lesson 6: Page Object Model
- Introduction to the Page Object Model
- Modelling a Web Application Using Page Objects
- Creating a Selenium Framework for a Web Application
Lesson 7: Writing Tests
- What is a Test Framework?
- Choosing a Test Framework
- Creating Test Scripts and Suites
- Validating and Viewing Results
Lesson 8: Analysis and Troubleshooting
- Analyzing the Test Report
- Tracking Down Timing Errors
- Separating Real Issues from “Flaky” Tests
Lesson 9: Using a Selenium Grid
- Configuring and Connecting to a Local Grid
- Configuring and Connecting to a Network Grid
- Connecting to a Third-Party Service