Building Simple Applications
- Topic A: A Primer on Angular and TypeScript
- Topic B: Getting Started with Building the Fitness App
- Topic C: The 7 Minute Workout Model
Binding in Angular
- Topic A: The Angular 2 Binding Infrastructure
- Topic B: Exploring Angular Modules
- Topic C: Angular 2 Security
- Topic D: Angular Pipes
- Topic E: Adding the Next Exercise Indicator Using ngIf
SPA, Routing, and Data Flows, in Depth
- Topic A: Exploring Single-Page Application Capabilities
- Topic B: Angular Dependency Injection
- Topic C: Tracking Workout History
- Topic D: Fixing the Video Playback Experience
- Topic E: Cross-Component Communication Using Angular Events
Personal Trainer
- Topic A: App Model Scope and Requirements
- Topic B: Personal Trainer Navigation with Routes
- Topic C: Implementing Workout and Exercise Lists
- Topic D: Building a Workout
- Topic E: Angular Forms
Supporting Server Data Persistence
- Topic A: Angular and Server Interactions
- Topic B: Personal Trainer and Server Integration
- Topic C: Updating the Router Guards
- Topic D: Performing CRUD on Exercises/Workouts
- Topic F: Cross-Domain Access and Angular
- Topic G: Fixing the 7 Minute Workout App
- Topic A: Classifying Directives and Building a Remote Validator
- Topic B: Building a Busy Indicator Directive
- Topic C: Understanding Directive Injection
- Topic D: Dependency Injection Using viewProvider
- Topic E: Component Styling and View Encapsulation
Some Practical Scenarios
- Topic A: Bootstrapping an Angular Application
- Topic B: Application Performance
- Topic C: Handling Authentication and Authorization