1. Course Introduction
2. Junos Automation Fundamentals
- Describe the benefits of network automation
- Explain the basic principles of DevOps and NRE
- Describe different approaches and tools used for Junos automation
3. Jinja2
- Discuss Junos Automation templates
- Create Jinja2 templates
Lab 1: Creating Jinja2 Templates
4. Ansible Introduction
- Prepare Ansible environment for network device management
- Use Ansible to retrieve information from Junos devices
- Use Ansible to configure Junos devices
Lab 2: User Interface Options
5. Ansible for Junos
- Configure Ansible to securely connect to Junos devices
- Use advanced Ansible playbook functionality
- Create Ansible playbooks that use variables and templates
- Manage Junos device configurations using Jinja2 templates and Ansible
Lab 3: Using Ansible for Junos Configuration Management
6. Basics of SLAX
- Describe SLAX relation to XML, XPath, and Junos XML API
- Create simple SLAX scripts
- Describe SLAX templates, variables, and flow control statements
7. Automating Junos with SLAX
- Describe Junos op, commit, event, and SNMP scripts
- Use the Junos function library
- Describe the difference between available SLAX versions
8. Junos Op Scripts Using SLAX
- Create and execute SLAX op scripts
- Use arguments with SLAX op scripts
- Execute Junos RPCs from SLAX op scripts
- Configure Junos devices with SLAX op scripts
Lab 4: Junos Op Scripts Using SLAX
9. Junos Op Scripts Using Python
- Create and execute Python op scripts
- Use arguments with Python op scripts
- Execute Junos RPCs from Python op scripts
- Configure Junos devices with Python op scripts
Lab 5: Junos Op Scripts Using Python
10. Junos Commit Scripts Using SLAX
- Describe basic SLAX commit script operation
- Develop SLAX commit scripts that perform transient and persistent changes
- Configure and enable SLAX commit scripts
Lab 6: Junos Commit Scripts Using SLAX
11 Junos Commit Scripts Using Python
- Describe how Python commit scripts can perform different actions
- Develop Python commit scripts that perform configuration changes
- Configure and enable Python commit scripts
Lab 7: Junos Commit Scripts Using Python
12 Junos Event Policies
- Identify Junos OS events
- Create Junos OS event policies
13. Junos Event Scripts
- Create Junos event scripts
Lab 8: Junos Event Policies and Event Scripts
14. Junos SNMP Scripts
- Describe how Junos OS SNMP scripts are used
- Create and configure Junos OS SNMP scripts
Lab 9: Junos SNMP Scripts
15. Salt Introduction
- Describe Salt architecture and components
- Perform basic Junos device management tasks with Salt
16. Automating Junos with Salt
- Configure Junos devices with Salt
- Validate network state using Salt
- Create an event-driven infrastructure with Salt
Lab 10: Automating Junos with Salt
17. JSNAPy
- Describe how JSNAPy can help automate Junos OS
- Install and configure JSNAPy
- Use JSNAPy to create snapshots and perform tests
- Use JSNAPy with other automation tools
Lab 11: JSNAPy
18. YANG
- List the main YANG features
- Describe the syntax of YANG
- Identify YANG use cases with Junos OS
19. Custom YANG Modules
- Describe custom configuration statements and translation scripts
- Describe custom RPCs and action scripts
20. OpenConfig
- Describe the advantages of OpenConfig
- Modify the Junos OS configuration using OpenConfig
- Describe using OpenConfig with the Junos Telemetry Interface
Lab 12: Implementing YANG and OpenConfig
21. Introduction to Juniper Extension Toolkit
- List the main JET components and use cases
- Describe gRPC and JET IDL Files
- Describe JET Service and Notification APIs
22. Automating Junos OS with JET APIs
- Develop JET applications using Service API
- Develop JET applications using Notification API
Lab 13: Using JET
23. Junos Telemetry
- Describe JTI protocols and message formats
- Provision native sensors for JTI
- Provision OpenConfig and gRPC sensors for JTI
Lab 14: Using Junos Telemetry